About Me
Full-Stack Engineer @ Benalu Dev
Bali, Indonesia - Remote
- Work on a variety of projects, including web applications, APIs. Collaborated with clients to understand their needs and deliver high-quality solutions.
- Built back office / admin dashboard
- Slicing UI Design into website
- Add features to an open source frontend framework, Svelte-MPA
- Developed an open source Accounting software, Benakun.
- Managing water sensor monitoring website
- Migrate tech stack of water sensor monitoring website from jQuery to Svelte, Ruby to Go
- Migrate OLAP use cases from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse
Web Developer @ SalonKita Indonesia
Medan, Indonesia - Remote
- Built CMS (Content Management System) for salon products and services.
- Design system infrastructure for Backend API, Backoffice portal admin, Frontend web
- Design database schema
- Built backend API, implements rate-limiting, pagination, multi-role user, authentication, image resizing/compressing.
- Setup server environment with Ubuntu Linux server, install Docker, NGINX, Nodejs, Go, etc.
- Built back-office web app, for manage contents, users, products, etc. Implements protected routes, user-friendly UI, and charts
Web Content Writer @ Petani Kode
Lombok, Indonesia - Hybrid
- As a content writer, mostly write programming tutorials
- Write content or programming tutorial.
- Slicing UI design from figma to website.
Frontend Web Developer @ Duitin Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia - Remote
- As a frontend web developer, built a website
- Slicing UI design from Adobe XD into website duitin.id
- Create a blog pages that fetches data from the backend API
Programming Languages :
- Go
- JavaScript
- Python
- TypeScript
- Bash Script
Libraries / Frameworks :
- Fiber
- Gin
- Express.js
- Svelte
- Sveltekit
- Django
- Flask
Database :
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- ClickHouse
Tools :
- Docker
- Linux
- Git
- RabbitMQ
- Certificate of participated in Web Development Internship program at SalonKita Indonesia
SalonKita Indonesia
Computer Science
- Specialization in Software Engineering, with a focus on Back-End Development. Courses include Data Structures, Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, and Software Development.
Computer and Network Engineering
- Graduated as a vocational high school student with a focus on Server Side Development, Linux Server, and Network Engineering.